Prog Sanctuary

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    Pain of Salvation

    Eternal Prog Master
    Eternal Prog Master

    Nombre de messages : 4309
    Age : 63
    Localisation : yvelines
    Date d'inscription : 11/08/2007

    Pain of Salvation Empty Pain of Salvation

    Message  fragildream Sam 16 Aoû - 18:31

    Pour ceux qui aiment PoS voici quelques niouzes :

    Le prochain album
    Daniel: "We are starting to get a grasp of the tons of material that I have been working on in my head. My vision is that the next album will be recorded in our rehearsing room, and we have started to prepare ourselves and the rehearsing room for this. The material that I am focusing on for the album at the moment, is some sort of cross breed between the heavy early 70s in the vein of Sabbath/Zeppelin and the dark weirdness of Faith no More/Soundgarden together with a touch of fragile suggestiveness displayed by The Doors/Jeff Buckley. Add some energetic Foo Fighters and you will start to get the picture..."

    Le DVD
    Daniel: "The DVD is starting to come together, and will consist of two separate discs - one will be the live show from our last tour, and the other one will be a documentary following the band on the 2005 tour, which marked the end of that line-up. The fact that the band has seen such major changes the last two years made it very difficult emotionally to invest time and energy in this product, and it wasn't until the documentary draft was proposed by Per Hillblom that I started to see what this DVD was trying to communicate. We still have a few commentary tracks to record but we are starting to see the end of it."

    We have added a few new upcoming shows this fall in the Tour section.
    As usual, Pain of Salvation will always do what they can to support causes they agree with, and this year they will play in Finnaker, Sweden on the 6th of September at the charity festival Rock for Moc (for Mozambique), and later on in Eskilstuna, Sweden, at the last day of the European Mobility Week, September 22 (car free day). On the 10th of October they will again play in Eskilstuna, at the Balsta Musikslott (Buster stage), headlining the "Rock for the Children of the World" night.

    Aucune date en France pour l'instant.

      La date/heure actuelle est Dim 7 Juil - 12:48